Office of Residence Life (ORL)
Vision, Mission and Values
To prepare students to be courageous and gracious contributors in a diverse and changing world.
Residence Life cultivates a safe, inclusive, fun and transformative residential learning experience at Seattle Pacific University. We collaborate within the University to promote academic success, engagement with Falcon Formation Learning Outcomes, and preparation for students to be courageous and gracious contributors in a diverse and changing world.
- Christ-Centered Community: we seek opportunities to explore and grow deeper in Christian faith as a community.
- Personal Relationships & Support: we see, know and love members of our community.
- Integrated Learning & Academic Success: we encourage students to make connections in their learning both inside and outside of the classroom.
- Cultural Engagement & Humility: we actively seek competence in understanding ourselves and others with a posture of care, self-reflection and learning.
- Whole-Person Wellness: we promote the overall well-being of our community members.
- Simple Systems & Process: we seek to provide simple and intuitive processes for students.
- Theory, Research and Assessment: we ground our practice in relevant literature and assessment
Staff and Student Leadership
The director of Residence Life oversees the Residence Life program. The assistant director of Residence Life provides leadership to departmental programs and offers support and counsel to the director and ORL staff.
Each residence hall is supervised by one or two live-in residence life coordinators (RLCs) or area coordinators (ACs). These professional staff members hold master's degrees in counseling, student development, or a related field. RLCs and ACs provide leadership by supporting the development of a living-learning community, advising and supervising student leaders, informing and educating the community on University-related policies and procedures, and interacting with students about personal development of Christian faith, values, lifestyle choices, and academic progress.
Resident advisors (RAs) are students selected to assist with the implementation of residential policies, procedures, services, and programs. They are trained in peer counseling, leadership, management, and community development, and they serve as resource persons for residents on a daily basis.
The residence hall council consists of students elected by their peers to provide leadership in the hall. They plan hall-wide programs and activities that emphasize social, intellectual, and spiritual growth, and practice good stewardship in the allocation and management of resources.
Student ministry coordinators (SMCs) are students trained by the Office of University Ministries to give primary attention to the spiritual needs of students in the residence halls. SMCs coordinate activities such as Bible studies, prayer groups, outreach projects, and individual and group discipleship programs.
Residential Calendar
View the Residential Calendar for the current academic year.
Occupancy Guidelines
Undergraduate housing is reserved for single students who are matriculated (admitted), are registered for nine or more credits each quarter, and are at least 17 years of age, but not older than 25 years of age, as of the start of Autumn Quarter. Students enrolled for three to eight credits are housed as space permits. Dropping from full-time to part-time status does not automatically cancel a Room and Meal Plan Contract. If demand for campus housing exceeds supply, priority will be given to students who are required to live on campus.
Assigned Housing
As per the Residential Living Requirement (see below), students will be given a housing assignment unless they graduated from high school two or more years before the start of the current academic year, or unless their registration drops below eight credits for the quarter.
Residential Living Requirement
SPU is committed to the education of the whole person. For this reason, the residential experience is considered an integral part of a student’s education. Research shows that students who belong to a campus residential community have a more productive, and ultimately more satisfying college experience than those who live off campus. Recent SPU data also indicates that students who live on campus are more academically successful and more likely to persist in their educational journey.
As a part of the strategy to facilitate student success, students are required to live on campus for their first two years at Seattle Pacific. SPU strongly encourages all students to live on campus.
Students will be given a housing assignment unless they graduated from high school two or more years before the start of the current academic year, or unless their course registration is below eight credits for the quarter. Unless they request and receive a different configuration, students will be assigned to a space in a double room and allocated a meal plan at the 200 Block level. Housing and meal plan charges are included in a student’s financial statement, and student aid is awarded with these amounts in consideration.
To ensure that they have the best opportunity for housing and roommate assignments, students should complete the housing registration prior to posted deadlines. Students without a completed registration will be placed in housing during the final assignment window, right before the beginning of classes.
Students who wish to petition for an exemption to the Requirement will need to have first completed a housing registration (to provide information for placement should the petition be denied). Exemption Petitions can be submitted by using the Residential Living Exemption Form that is available on the Housing Portal. Exemptions are rare and may be considered based on a student’s marital status and/or parental responsibilities, if a student is living at home with parents/guardians, their commute distance (within approximately 10 miles from campus), or in light of significant financial circumstances.
Students who petition due to financial hardship should be aware that this requires greater rationale than that living expenses could be lessened by off campus housing arrangements. Financial exceptions to the residential living requirement are only considered in situations where a student’s financial circumstances are so severe that they jeopardize the student’s ability to enroll or to continue enrollment at Seattle Pacific. Even then, other elements of a student’s situation (distance from home, etc.) are involved in making a final decision.
Decisions about financial hardship appeals will be made in consultation with Student Financial Services and will utilize information from the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or the WASFA (Washington Application for State Financial Aid); students are strongly encouraged to complete and submit this as they are able. If a student is approved to live at home, this could result in a change in their financial aid award. Please contact a financial aid counselor if you have any questions.
Exemptions are also granted as an approved reasonable accommodation in response to a documented medical/health related issue (as evaluated through the Disability Support Services office).
The Residential Living Requirement is evaluated yearly to support the residential experience, as well as to respond to housing demand. Students will need to seek and have an approved exemption each year that they are required to live on campus.
For questions regarding this, please email the Residential Living Exemption Review Committee.
Room Consolidation and Space Utilization
A student contracts for a space on campus, but not for a specific hall, room, apartment, or roommate. SPU reserves the right to
- Assign roommates unilaterally;
- Reassign students who are without roommates;
- Use a room when it is not occupied;
- Assign single rooms; and
- Reassign students to different units in the event that such reassignments are deemed necessary.
Residents who have an open space in their unit may be assigned a roommate at any time during the quarter. Except in cases of emergency, the University will provide residents at least 24-hours' notice of new roommates that have been assigned to their space. During the academic year, most placements occur during Winter and Spring breaks. If you have a vacant space in your room or apartment when the halls close for break, you must prepare your room before you leave in anticipation of a new roommate. If one is assigned, you will be notified prior to your return to campus (at your SPU email account).
Personal Property
The University will make a reasonable effort to protect the personal property of residents. However, SPU will not be liable for articles lost, stolen, or damaged by fire, water, heat, appliance failure, or natural disasters, or by other individuals. When storing goods in University space, students assume the risk of loss or damage. Students are encouraged to purchase insurance to cover loss of or damage to personal property, or extend parents’ insurance for this purpose. If you believe that any of your personal property has been stolen, inform your RA, RLC, or AC and call the Office of Safety and Security at 206-281-2922 to report the theft. They will assist you in contacting the Seattle Police Department.
Disability Accommodations
If you require housing accommodations due to a documented disability, contact the coordinator for disability support services at 206-281-2272 or For Autumn Quarter, returning students should submit their requests in writing by April 1 and incoming students by June 1. For Winter or Spring Quarter, requests should be submitted six weeks before the start of the quarter. If your disability or impairment requires that you have special assistance in an emergency situation, notify your RA or RLC when you arrive on campus.
Checking In and Out
Upon move-in, each student will complete a room inventory in the online housing portal to finalize the stated condition of their residence. Upon check-out, the residence will be inspected to assess any change in condition. If cleaning or maintenance is required, the student will be financially responsible. Students who fail to make check-out appointments or leave without checking out will be fined a minimum of $75.
Building and Room Access
Room keys are issued to all students at the completion of check-in. In the residence halls and the Wesley Apartments, residents’ Falcon Cards open the main doors of the building and a separate key allows them access to their rooms. All other apartment residents are issued one key that allows them access to their unit. Carry your key and Falcon Card with you whenever you leave your room. Do not give your key or Falcon Card to another person for building access.
The residence halls are locked at all times. If you are locked out, a temporary key and/or keycard may be checked out at the Office of Safety and Security. If a room key is reported lost or not returned, the lock will be changed and you will be charged a re-core fee. For the safety of yourself and other students, promptly report the loss of keys to Safety and Security or the loss of Falcon Cards in your online account with Falcon Card Services. Room keys may not be duplicated or given to others. Anyone who illegally possesses, uses, or duplicates a University key will be subject to a fine and/or disciplinary action.
Students are financially responsible for all changes in the condition of their residences, as well as damages they make to common areas. If individual responsibility for damage cannot be determined, charges may be assessed equally among room/apartment residents, or, for common areas, equally among floor and/or hall residents (see Pranks and Other Inappropriate Activities).
Room Change Requests
Room assignments are intended to be for the year and room changes are approved on a case-by-case basis depending on individual circumstances. Because of the educational nature of the residential community and a value for students learning to resolve conflict and navigate difference in relationships, students will generally be required to participate in roommate mediation or a similar process, with the primary goal of helping students resolve or compromise around presenting issues. Room changes are considered the last option for resolution and are not guaranteed.
Students may submit room change requests through the online housing portal. All prescribed mediation or other processes must be completed and approval must be received from your RLC or AC before moving. Moves must be made on the day outlined in your approval and all-check-out and check-in instructions must be followed. Students who move to another room without permission may be subject to disciplinary action.
Due to the need to establish the hall community and to provide a smooth transition into the academic year, no room changes will be permitted during the first four weeks of Autumn Quarter or the first week of Winter and Spring quarters. If you are approved for a room change at the end of the quarter, you must move into your new unit prior to the closing of the residence halls so that the space you vacate is ready for a new resident.
Quarter-Break Housing
Students living in the Residence Halls, are expected to return home for the duration of Winter Break unless specified that they are planning to stay over breaks or have special permissions due to being a student athlete. Information regarding the application process for break housing will be available during Autumn quarter.
Students who live in the Campus Houses and Apartments (CHA) must register the dates when they are staying in order to remain in their apartments over the break. This information allows the University to be aware of occupancy in the case of emergency while the institution is closed. Information regarding the registration process will be available during Autumn quarter
Under no circumstances may a student sell, transfer, or sublet his or her contract to any other person, including another student.
Summer Housing
If you wish to live on campus during the summer, you must contract from the end of Spring Quarter until Autumn Quarter begins. To apply, you must be a continuing residential student and be enrolled for either Summer Session(s) or Autumn Quarter. If space is available, graduating seniors are also eligible. Applications are reviewed by Student Financial Services and Residence Life for approval before assignments are made. Summer housing information is available early in Spring Quarter.
Meal Plan Guidelines and Options
Meal Plan Requirement and Options
Residence Halls: Students living in the residence halls are required to choose a Quarterly Block Plan. A meal plan is required because the dining hall provides an opportunity for community-building; residence-hall kitchens are not designed to accommodate daily meal preparation; the Office of Safety and Security has determined it would be a fire hazard to allow general meal preparation in the residence halls; and the meal plans are kept at a lower price because of the ability to determine a specific number of diners. There is no refund or adjustment made for meals missed.
Campus Houses and Apartments: Although not required, students living in CHA may choose any plan, including a Block 25 or a Block 50. A Falcon Card is needed to access your meal plan. Meal plans are nontransferable; another person may not use your Falcon Card at any time.
A full description of meal plan options can be found on the Residence Life and Housing website.
Meal Plan Changes
Students on quarterly meal plans may change their plan during the dates noted on the Residential Calendar. Change requests are not accepted outside of these dates.
Special Dietary Needs
If you have a special diet or food allergy, contact Dining Services at 206-281-2356 to discuss options to meet your needs. Medical documentation may be required. A selection of vegetarian and vegan items is offered at all meals. Students with dietary needs that are unable to be met by Campus Dining should consider living in CHA, where a meal plan is not required.
Dining Dollar Balances
Dining Dollar balances will carry forward through Spring Quarter, provided you remain on a quarterly meal plan; however, Dining Dollars cannot be used during breaks. Access to Dining Dollars ends at 5 p.m. on the Friday before Commencement; any remaining balance will be forfeited. If a student cancels his or her quarterly meal plan, he or she forfeits any remaining Dining Dollars at that time.
Falcon Funds
Falcon Funds are SPU's official campus currency which can be used around campus to purchase food at our many dining locations (tax free), or to make non-dining purchases at the Bookstore, Mailing Services, ORP, at printers/copiers around campus, in residence hall laundry rooms and at all campus vending machines. For more information about Falcon Funds, see the Falcon Card Services website, including the FAQs and the Terms and Conditions webpages.
Block Meal Plan Balances
Unused meals on Block 25 and Block 50 plans will roll to the following quarter until you graduate or withdraw from the University, at which point unused meals are forfeited. Block 25 and Block 50 plans can be purchased online through Banner under "Meal Plan Order Form." These plans do not renew each quarter; you may purchase additional plans at your discretion. Block 25 and Block 50 plans are nonrefundable.
Schedule Conflicts
If your class, work schedule, or extra-curricular activity doesn’t allow you time to use your Quarterly Block, Block 50, or Block 25 plan in Gwinn Commons, you may use one of your meals to get three items (an entrée, a side dish or dessert, and a beverage) from a Simply to Go case at the Corner Place Market, Academic Perks, or Common Grounds.
Get-Well Meals
If you are injured or ill, and confined to your room, a friend may bring you a meal from Gwinn Commons. Contact your area coordinator when a get-well meal is needed .
Dining Hall Behavioral Expectations
Each diner is responsible for maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in Gwinn Commons. Diners must enter through the designated main entrance with a valid Falcon Card or pay cash. If a student allows another to use his or her Falcon Card to access food service, both students will be subject to disciplinary sanctions. Diners are expected to show respect for others and clean up after themselves. Disruptive behavior (including throwing food or other objects) will not be tolerated. Beverage bottles are allowed into the dining room to fill with water only. Food, beverages, dishes, and decorations may not be removed from the premises.
Food Service Availability and Hours
The dining hall, Gwinn Commons, provides service beginning with breakfast on the day after the residence halls open and ending with the evening meal on the last day of examinations (see Residential Calendar). No food service is provided in Gwinn Commons or Falcon’s Landing (including Academic Perks) during Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Spring breaks. Find food-service hours of operation here. Hours of retail locations are subject to change.
Room Rates/Meal Rates
Current room and meal rates can be found at the Residence Life and Housing website. Upon signing the Room and Meal Plan Contract, the student — and parent(s) or legal guardian(s), if applicable — agrees to accept responsibility and the legal obligation to pay all room and meal plan charges and other fees incurred. Although the student’s parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may serve as co-signer(s), the student remains primarily responsible and legally obligated to SPU.
Termination of Room and Meal Plan Contract
The Room and Meal Plan Contract remains in effect until the end of the contract period, unless terminated early. The Room and Meal Plan Contract may be terminated early under any of the following conditions:
- The student or the University may terminate the contract if the student is no longer enrolled or registered for at least three credits at the University.
- The University may terminate the contract if the student violates the terms of the contract, University rules or policies, or local, state, or federal law. In such a case, SPU reserves the right to cancel the contract with no refund of room and meal plan charges.
- The student or the University may terminate the contract if the student is not required to live on campus.
- The University may terminate the contract if it is unable to provide the student with housing, including if a housing facility has been damaged, destroyed, or otherwise made uninhabitable.
Additional information about whether the student would be eligible for a refund upon termination, and the amount of any such refund, is listed below. Residence in on-campus housing is incidental to educational services provided by the University and is dependent on a student being enrolled at the University.
Withdrawal From Housing
To cancel a contract, you must complete a Withdrawal from Housing form. You must also complete a checkout appointment with your RA prior to leaving. If you withdraw or are withdrawn from classes and this results in you being registered for fewer than three credits, you are required to vacate University housing immediately and cease using your Quarterly Block meal plan. Any student who continues to reside on campus after his or her withdrawal will be liable for room and meal plan charges beyond his or her last date of class attendance. Students withdrawing for the following quarter must check out by the residence hall closing date and time for the current quarter (including CHA residents).
Refund Schedule
If you withdraw or are withdrawn from University housing after the beginning of the contract period, you will forfeit your room deposit and be refunded your room and meal plan charges based on the day you sign the checkout form, according to the following schedule:
- Prior to midnight on the day the halls open (100%)
- First week of the quarter* (90%)
- Second week of the quarter (75%)
- Third week of the quarter (50%)
- Fourth and fifth weeks of the quarter (25%)
- Sixth week of the quarter or later (0%)
*The first week of the quarter begins the day after the residence halls open and ends the Monday after the first day of classes. Each successive week runs Tuesday through Monday.
SPU Points are considered part of the meal-plan charge. The entire charge for the plan will be refunded according to the above schedule. No refunds are given for Block 50 or Block 25 plans.
Room Deposit
Once a student has been assigned to a room, their room deposit will remain on the student account until they receive approval to live at home or until they officially withdraw from University housing.
If a student has occupied a residential space and withdraws from University housing, the deposit will be credited to the student’s account if the residential space is not damaged and all housing guidelines are met (proper notice is given, checkout is complete, etc.). If the student has an owing balance, the credit will reduce the amount owed. If the student does not have an owing balance, they will be sent an email from Student Financial Services when a credit check or direct deposit has been processed.
Continuing students who register for Autumn Quarter housing during the spring sign-up process will forfeit their deposit if they cancel their contract any time after reserving housing. For Winter and Spring quarters, continuing students must cancel their contract by the stated deadlines on the Residence Life and Housing website to receive a refund of their housing deposit.
Residential Guidelines
In addition to endorsing the SPU Student Standards of Conduct, ORL has established policies and procedures to help create a safe and enjoyable living community. Nearly everyone must adapt his or her lifestyle to some degree in consideration of other individuals or groups. We believe all students have the right at all times to study, sleep, and live in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Students are individually responsible for their behavioral choices and involvement in social activities, which may be spontaneous and without oversight by the University. It is important to understand what is expected of you while a member of the SPU residential community. Standards are designed to allow for the freedom and flexibility of the individual and to ensure the rights and privileges of the community as a whole.
Advertising and Posting
Any advertising in campus housing is subject to approval of the RLC or AC. The following criteria should be used as guidelines for advertising:
- Do not use tape. Postings placed on bulletin boards should be hung with staples or push-pins. A temporary adhesive should be used on walls. Postings are not permitted on glass.
- Non-University-related postings will be removed if the University needs space. Materials from commercial organizations will not typically be approved for posting.
- Individuals hanging advertisements are responsible for removing them within 24 hours after the event takes place. Undated material will be removed at the RLC’s discretion.
- Posting, hanging, or otherwise displaying non-University-related items in or on the residence hall windows or on University window coverings is not permitted. Limited exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Office of Student Life.
- No advertisements can be hung on the exterior of residential buildings, including doors, without prior approval from ORL.
Business Activity and Outside Organizations
Campus housing is to be used for residential purposes only. No business or commercial activity may be conducted on the premises. Any hosting of outside organizations in the residences must be approved through your RLC or AC and any outside church groups or para-church organizations must, in addition, follow all Student Ministries’ processes before operating in the residences.
Community Areas
At the beginning of Autumn Quarter, your RA will discuss the management of areas shared by students on your floor (bathrooms, lounges, kitchens, etc.). Although community areas are cleaned several times each week by the custodial staff, you are expected to participate in keeping your environment clean and livable. Emerson and Arnett Hall residents are required to clean their own bathrooms with supplies provided. Community-area furnishings are not to be removed.
Do not overload or tamper with any part of a campus elevator. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action and/or closure of the elevator(s). If an elevator malfunctions, immediately report it to your RLC and the Office of Safety and Security.
Fitness Centers
Hill, Emerson, Ashton, and Arnett Halls have fitness centers. Hill and Emerson offer aerobic and circuit-training equipment. Ashton Hall has four elliptical machines, and Arnett Hall has a combination of aerobic and strength-training equipment. To protect against overcrowding, these centers are for use only by SPU campus residents. Out-of-town and nonresidential guests may use them when accompanied by a resident. Hours vary depending on location. All students and guests who use fitness center equipment do so at their own risk and are expected to use the equipment responsibly.
Garbage, Recycling, and Composting
Each resident is responsible for the frequent and proper disposal of his or her waste. Garbage and recycling receptacles are provided for each residential facility and organics (compost/food waste) collection receptacles are located in each residence hall lounge or common area. In addition, students living in CHA are provided with a countertop bin to collect organic materials; these should be emptied into the clearly marked food waste bin at each apartment’s outdoor waste disposal area. Students are responsible for recycling aluminum and tin cans, glass and plastic bottles, paper and cardboard. Students are also responsible for sorting food waste, food-soiled paper products (paper towels, pizza boxes, etc.) and other compostable items (dead plants or flowers) into compost collection bins. Note that City of Seattle ordinances prohibit disposing of recyclable or compostable materials in garbage bins. Students must appropriately dispose of larger items that cannot be contained in the trash chutes or dumpsters. Electronic devices are not considered regular waste and must be disposed of correctly. Detailed information on SPU’s recycling program, including suggestions for recycling large, electronic, and miscellaneous items, is available at Failure to properly remove and dispose of waste will result in a fine.
Chemical or biological hazardous waste must be disposed of properly. If you are unsure of the appropriate means to dispose of something, consult your RLC or AC. Needles and syringes used for medical purposes (e.g., diabetes) must be discarded in a specified Sharps container, available at Health Services. When someone has been ill or injured and clean-up of bodily fluids is required, contact your RA immediately to arrange for housekeeping services; do not attempt to clean on your own.
Washers and dryers are located in each residence hall and most campus apartment buildings. These machines are available 24/7 for use by students who live on campus. If a machine malfunctions, place an out-of-order sign on it and notify Office of Facility and Project Management via this online form, including the machine number, its location, and the nature of the problem. The Wesley Apartments have in-unit laundry. Students in campus houses and apartments that do not have on-site laundry facilities will be given access in a nearby building.
Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act
In 1992, Congress passed the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act (known as Title X), which directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to require disclosure on lead-based paint before the sale or leasing of housing built before 1978. There may be lead-based paint or lead-based paint hazards associated with university-owned apartments and houses. Any site-specific information that the University has regarding lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in particular houses or apartment buildings will be provided at check-in, and you will be asked to sign a disclosure form as part of the online housing-agreement signing process. You will also be supplied with an EPA-published booklet titled Protect Your Family From Lead in Your Home. You are encouraged to follow the precautions suggested in the booklet. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Facility and Project Management at 206-281-2330 or
Lounge Use Policy
For a group activity, you may reserve your floor lounge through your RA and your residence hall lounge through your hall council secretary. The Emerson classroom is reserved through the Emerson RLC; SPU departments or recognized student organizations are eligible to reserve it when not scheduled for classroom use. Residents and guests are not permitted to sleep in lounges overnight. If the event you are planning is a dance, you must receive prior approval through the Office of Student Programs. Events that require moving or removal of the furniture must receive prior approval from your RA or hall council.
New-Student Welcoming Activities
New-student welcoming activities, which are planned for the beginning of Autumn Quarter and generally sponsored by individual residence hall floors, are intended to welcome incoming students and promote a sense of community. All welcoming activities require prior approval from the area RLC or AC, and strict adherence to University guidelines regarding hazing is expected.
Pranks and Other Inappropriate Activities
Any individual or group activity that results in the disturbance or distress of others, or that causes damage, destruction, or defacement to property, is prohibited and subject to disciplinary action. Any resulting damage fees are charged to the students involved. Additional fines may be assessed depending on the nature of the activity. Recreational activities not permitted in campus residences include, but are not limited to, soccer, basketball, wall climbing, skateboarding, riding scooters and/or bicycles, Frisbees, paint guns, Airsoft guns, and water fights.
Quiet Hours
The minimum for quiet hours in all residence halls and CHA is from 10 p.m. to 10 a.m. Quiet hours are defined as times when students’ stereos, televisions, and conversations are to be kept at a level that does not interfere with other students’ study or sleep. Common courtesy prevails at all times. The right to study or sleep supersedes the privilege to be entertained or entertain others. If someone asks you to be quiet, respect his or her request. Noise that is audible beyond the confines of one’s room is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.
Note that the regular workday for University employees begins at 8 a.m. and their activity may create sounds heard within the residence halls. Also, various residential facilities may be impacted to some extent by construction noise. The construction day typically lasts from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. but may extend to 10 p.m. Visit the Office of Facility and Project Management web page for information on current projects.
Residents may utilize the residence hall storage rooms during the academic year on a space-available basis. Space is limited. Students who live more than 100 miles from campus may use a storage room during the summer months; however, access is limited. Students who withdraw from University housing may not store items in storage rooms. Contact your RA, RLC, or AC for gaining access into storage. Any item stored must be boxed and sealed, and have the student’s name, home address, and phone number, and the date it was stored, clearly noted on the outside of the box. Students placing items in storage at the University do so at their own risk. Your RLC or AC will post specific dates and times for cleaning the storage facility. Items must be removed at these times and may be returned to storage the following weekend. Unclaimed items will be given away or auctioned.
Bicycles may be stored only in designated areas and at the student’s own risk. Students must supply their own locks. Motorized vehicles are not permitted in the residence halls and must be parked in designated areas only.
Vending Machines
Snack and beverage vending machines are located in each residence hall and other campus buildings. All snack and select beverage machines also accept Falcon Funds from your Falcon Card. If a vending machine malfunctions, place an out-of-order sign on it and notify Facilities and Project Management, using this form, including the machine number, its location, and the nature of the problem. If you are due a refund, you will need to supply the machine number and its location to the Uni-Com desk in the SUB with your request.
Students may visit floors or Campus Houses and Apartments (CHA) units designated for the opposite gender only during specified hours. These hours are subject to evaluation or change by the floor or CHA unit members or by the University if residents are not in compliance with the policy. The University establishes the maximum number of hours and days allowed for visitation. A student may not sleep in a residence hall room or CHA unit belonging to a member of the opposite gender or someone with whom that student is in an amorous relationship.
- Ashton and Arnett Residence Halls: Sunday–Thursday, 11 a.m.–11 p.m., and Friday–Saturday, 11 a.m.–12 a.m. When there are no regularly scheduled classes the following day, floor hours are extended to midnight.
- Emerson Residence Hall: Sunday–Thursday, 11 a.m.–12 a.m., and Friday–Saturday, 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.
- Campus Houses and Apartments (CHA) have 24-hour visitation.
Room Regulations
Appliances and Other Equipment
You are permitted to have a small refrigerator (maximum 2.7 cubic feet capacity, 2.5 amp electrical) in your room (to be unplugged during vacation periods). Appliances prohibited from residence hall rooms, but permitted in residence hall lounges and kitchens and in CHA, include microwave ovens, toasters, toaster ovens, woks, coffee makers, hot plates, popcorn poppers, and rice cookers. Open-coil cooking appliances and heating equipment (such as space heaters) are prohibited from all residential facilities. Exterior antennas and halogen lights are also prohibited. No grills are permitted on balconies.
Bed Policies
A bed is provided for each room occupant. Non-university bunk beds, lofts, risers, and waterbeds are not permitted.
Bunking and Height Adjustment: Bunked beds are standard in University housing. Students are permitted to un-bunk beds on their own, but for safety reasons must submit a work request to the Office of Facility and Project Management to have them re-bunked or to have the height of the bed adjusted. If a bed is un-bunked by a student, the pegs or dowels must be turned in to his or her RA.
Lofted Beds: Some rooms have lofted beds based on space considerations specific to those rooms. Lofts cannot be requested for rooms already furnished with bunked or standard single beds. Loft beds may be un-lofted, but all materials must stay in the room for the duration of the students’ occupancy of the room. As with bunk beds, students must submit a work request to the Office of Facility and Project Management to have beds re-lofted or to have the height adjusted, for safety reasons.
Candles and Open Flame
Due to fire hazards, the possession or use of flammable items such as candles (with or without wicks, burned or unburned), incense, potpourri, and lanterns is not permitted in residence halls, CHA, or community areas. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, including confiscation, fines, and other sanctions.
Computer Network Information
SPU recommends that students bring a personal laptop computer to campus. Each residence hall and CHA has a strong wireless network presence. Personal printers are no longer needed, since SPU now maintains a campus copying program that places Multi-Function Printers (MFP), used for scanning, printing and copying, across campus. Learn more about the MFP's by going to MFP Functions. SPU also requires that computers meet minimum security standards. To learn more about these standards and get advice on preparations you can make prior to arriving on campus, visit the CIS HelpDesk Knowledge Base. Students may not contract with third-party internet providers for additional services.
Cable TV
Cable TV is via the Comcast Xfinity On Campus streaming service only; wired cable service is no longer provided. This service is available to SPU students who live in campus housing units, allowing them to
watch on select Apple and Android tablets and phones. Up to 20 hours of cloud-based DVR storage are also provided. If you have questions, stop by the CIS Help Desk in Lower Marston Hall or go to
Electrical Safety
Extension cords must contain a ground wire, indicated by having a three-prong plug. Any extension cord having more than one outlet must also have a built-in circuit breaker (e.g., a surge-suppression strip commonly used with a personal computer). Total electrical requirements added to rooms and apartments may not exceed one power strip per electrical outlet. Multiple socket plugs are prohibited. Extension cords may not be run under rugs or through doorways, or be fastened through their insulation. Do not use frayed cords.
Entering a Student Room
Students can expect reasonable privacy for their rooms and personal property. However, SPU reserves the right to enter and inspect rooms. SPU will generally try to give room occupants advance notice when possible, but it may enter without permission or advance notice if it deems it necessary or appropriate. Examples of when SPU staff might enter rooms include, but are not limited to; cases of emergency; need or request for repairs; health or safety inspections; or if there is reason to believe that a violation of University policies or federal, state, or local laws may be taking place, or has taken place, in the room.
Entrance policy for staff members includes knocking on the door, stating who they are and why they are entering the room, and allowing approximately 30 seconds for a response before keying into the room or apartment. Students who submit a work request automatically give staff permission to enter their rooms without notice. For unplanned service or work that has not been requested, staff will attempt to notify students 24 hours in advance, but, depending on the severity of the issue and the staff’s ability to reach the student, advance notice cannot be guaranteed.
Furniture and Room Decorations
Within certain guidelines, you are encouraged to make your room a comfortable living environment. The guidelines for decorating your room are as follows:
- No contact paper, wallpaper, or paneling.
- No alternative flooring (e.g., AstroTurf, hardwood surfaces, etc.).
- Use of nails, screws, tape, or other adhesives that cause damage to painted surfaces is not permitted. A temporary adhesive (e.g., Plasti-Tak) is permitted for hanging posters, etc., but students are still responsible for any damage.
- You may not remove drapes or mini-blinds; however, you may hang your own decorations over them.
- You may not remove any of the furnishings from your room. Lofted beds in Emerson are specific to the room and cannot be removed or transferred to another room.
- Bunked beds are standard in University housing.
- Furniture may not be stacked or altered, nor may furniture that is bolted to the wall be removed.
- Display of alcoholic beverage and/or tobacco containers is not permitted.
- RLCs have the authority to require the removal of room decorations if they are deemed offensive in nature.
- The University reserves the right to remove, treat and/or dispose of any personally-owned student furniture or other belongings deemed to present a health or safety hazard (mold, bed bugs, etc.).
Rooms are to be occupied by only the students for whom they are reserved, except in the case of guests. Guests must abide by all University policies, receive approval from their hosts, and inform the RA. In addition, if a guest is a minor (under 18 years old) and is not on campus as part of an SPU Admissions event, then the host must first obtain approval from an RLC before allowing the guest to stay overnight. Guests may not occupy or use residential facilities for more than four days or nights per quarter. The student hosting the guest is responsible for his or her behavior. SPU reserves the right to ask guests of residents to leave for any reason, including if they are violating University policy, violating applicable law, or disturbing other residents. Guests may only stay overnight on a floor of their same gender. If residents choose to host prospective students, residents must abide by the Guidelines for Hosts, available from the Undergraduate Admissions Office. All residents in a room must agree to act as Hosts for each event.
Student-provided lighting must be UL approved. Halogen lights are prohibited.
Fish are the only pets allowed in student rooms. Only one fish tank is permitted in each unit. Fish tanks may not exceed 25 gallons. Violations of the pet policy will result in a fine in addition to a professional cleaning fee, which may include special treatment or fumigation, and any additional costs that arise. All service animals or emotional support animals must receive prior approval from Disability Support Services before being brought into any SPU residences.
Room Repairs
For any basic repairs, please submit your request using the Building Maintenance Request System. Your RA will explain the procedures at the start of Autumn Quarter. More extensive repairs should be directed to the RA or RLC. Emergency maintenance needs should be directed to Building Maintenance at 206-281-2330 during normal business hours. After hours, on holidays, and on weekends, call the Office of Safety and Security at 206-281-2922.
Telephone Service
Most students use cell phones as their primary means of communication. Land lines are not provided in residence halls or in campus apartment rooms. As of summer 2021, most campus office telephones migrated to the Microsoft Teams Calling platform. Additional information about telephone services may be found here.
Last published on 9/30/2021